Jack & Bobby
Les premières années de jeunes frères dont le destin entrera dans l'histoire. Jack et Bobby McCallister grandissent sous l'oeil attentif de leur mère. Ils feront des rencontres qui forgeront les hommes qu'ils seront plus tard.
Terminée | Américaine | 45 minutes |
Drame, Drama | The WB | 2004 |
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1.12 -
Running Scared
Running Scared
Jack tries to resume a sense of normalcy after his brutal attack, but finds that the injury may keep him from returning to his old life when he visits the doctor with Grace. Also, Grace accidently runs into one of her students, Natalie, while she is leaving Tom's apartment, but may get busted as she tries to subliminally blackmail Grace with her grade in a later conversation. Meanwhile, Courtney meets a new guy who's tied up in front of her house as a fraternity hazing (guest-star Mike Erwin, ""Everwood""). He captures her interest and tries to get to know him later on. But his feelings for her are not what she had hoped. Lastly, the future reveals President McCallister's unique actions after a horrific bombing in Chicago.
Diffusion originale : 26 janvier 2005
Diffusion française :
26 janvier 2005
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Perry Lang
Scénariste.s :
Erik Oleson
Marc Guggenheim
Guest.s :
Christina Cindrich
David Purdham
George Wyner
J.K. Simmons
Nicole Cavasos
Nicole Cavazos
Richard Tillman
Shailene Woodley
Virginia Williams